
Bits&Pieces is a system for buying items for your workplace quickly and efficiently

Order system

Bits&pieces is an order system for purchasing stock items from various suppliers. It can work as a standalone system or as one integral part of a larger system.

Orders are placed electronically by scanning the barcode on the item, or by searching for the item in a "catalogue". The system retrieves the items from various suppliers and the orderer can choose the items based on who is the best in terms of price, quality and ability to deliver. With alternative suppliers for each article, back orders are also avoided. This way you are guaranteed a high delivery rate.

Today, bits&pieces is fully integrated with several major suppliers. Because of b&p, several suppliers have been able to reduce their prices due to electronic processing and more efficient working methods, and of course get more satisfied customers.

Bits&pieces has been in use since 2004. 


Advantages of bits&pieces: 

  • Simplifies order processing 
  • Streamlines the purchasing process until the item is in stock 
  • The costs are kept to a minimum, as the suppliers themselves want to keep their position in the preference list with you as a customer